Frequently asked questions
Trauma, whether experienced physically or emotionally, has a profound impact on the human body. One unique aspect of trauma that often goes unnoticed is its storage within the fascia, a complex network of connective tissue. Fascia, consisting of collagen and elastin fibers, wraps around and supports every cell, muscle, and organ in the body.
When trauma occurs, particularly if it is intense or long-lasting, the fascia can become distorted and strained. This can lead to the formation of adhesions and contractions, trapping the energy of the trauma within the tissue. Over time, these stored traumas manifest as physical and emotional pain, creating a blockage that affects the body's overall well-being and leading to a dysregulated nervous system and poor physical and mental health.
The Triple Vagal Method™ (TVM™) is a fast and effective way to free up the energy and stored memory of trauma, releasing deeply held patterns, restoring a sense of safety and harmony in the body, and promoting healing at a profound level.
Healing trauma can have a profound impact on a wide range of ailments that we may experience in our bodies and minds. When we address the underlying traumas, we may find improvements in physical conditions such as chronic pain, autoimmune disorders, and digestive issues. The body's ability to restore balance and regulate its systems is enhanced when the nervous system is no longer trapped in a state of hypervigilance or activation.
By restoring the body's natural ability to self-regulate, individuals can find relief from ailments related to digestion, cardiovascular health, immune function, and even mental health disorders like depression and PTSD as healing allows for a greater sense of safety, self-compassion, and resilience. It can benefit those struggling with sleep disorders, facilitating better quality sleep and rejuvenation. Furthermore, nervous system regulation can contribute to reducing chronic pain and improving overall pain management. By freeing energy which was previously used trying to regulate a dysregulated nervous system, the body has more energy to fight off illnesses and autoimmune diseases.
By addressing the root causes of our traumas, we create the potential for profound healing on multiple levels, allowing for greater overall well-being and vitality.
TVM™ is for anyone who is ready to heal their trauma in a rapid and effective way! Through TVM™, anyone can embark on a journey of nervous system regulation, restoring vitality, and reclaiming their innate capacity for healing.
Please note that the suitability of the Triple Vagal Method™ may vary from person to person. It is necessary to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine if this approach is suitable for your specific condition.
When applying the Triple Vagal Method™ (TVM™) we physically stimulate the nervous system to complete the trauma cycle to heal nervous system dysregulation and restore safety in the body. This is applied by pressing onto the pressure points of the body to break down calcification of the fascia (connective tissue) caused by trauma to facilitate trauma transformation and rapid healing.
During this manual stimulation, the client may experience resurgence of trapped traumas as all the branches of the vagus nerve are being engaged. This may trigger many states which may include tetany, emotional release, ‘freezing’, sweating, coughing, crying, shaking, vomiting, and even mild psychedelic-like experiences of visions, colours or feelings of being out of the body.
The goal of the method is to allow the nervous system to travel through all three dominant circuits to release any incomplete cycles or trapped traumas. This also triggers the release of oxytocin and in turn builds vagal tone. Building vagal tone allows the client to eventually have a ventral circuit dominance and baseline, and smaller peaks and rapid travel between the other states.
The first session really helps me map out where you are at and assess vagal tone, fascia calcification, etc. This session is usually longer. I then have a better idea of how to support you and what term of treatment plan we may want to take. We start with an intake/introduction session in which we fill out a medical intake form to gather information. This covers questions related to trauma and is not a talk therapy session. It is to summarise lived experiences.
I then outline how the session will go and show you on your body where I will apply this method. There is time for questions and if it still feels right with you and you feel informed to give consent, we will then begin the TVM™ method. This is a hands on bodywork therapy that may or may not trigger a massive nervous system response. It all depends where your vagal tone is at when we start. Some clients have massive emotional releasing first session, some may have a freeze response, some may go into deeply relaxed almost trancelike state.
Sessions range from 1.5-2 hours depending on how the nervous system responds. We usually aim for at least 2 surges up and down the nervous system cascade. If time allows we go for a third. Each time we travel up and down the ladder we are rebuilding vagal tone.
The goal is not just to provide temporary relief but to facilitate long-term healing and transformation. By targeting the root causes and building resilience within your nervous system, a course of Triple Vagal Method™ sessions offers sustainable results and a life free from the limitations imposed by trauma and the dysregulation that comes with that.
The number of sessions required varies from person to person. Most people experience some regulation after the first session, however a course of at least four to six sessions are usually required to experience profound and lasting shifts in your nervous system. Complex cases and certain medical conditions may require more patience and a longer course of treatment.
Once the session is complete we allow for time to come back, ground, drink water and if you wish to express anything or ask a direct question about the session. It's important to be mindful of output whilst integrating and make sure that you don’t have any big plans after the session.
Supportive practices are journaling, drawing, voice notes to self, spending time in nature, drinking electrolytes, eating nourishing meals and rest. This is trauma work. You may have an array of emotional and physical symptoms that may arise. As with any deep treatment, be gentle with yourself for the next 24/48hrs. We recommend lots of hydration and nourishing meals high in fat. Decrease nervous system stimulus. Sunset sunrise gazing. The work triggers neurological reprogramming where we encourage meditation, solo time, journaling and lots of rest. This is not the time for action- based solutions or feedback to people.
As a TVM™ session can trigger a massive nervous system response, its important that you get clearance from your primary healthcare provider for any pre-existing conditions you may have.
An important risk to be aware of is the Risk of Reassociation. When the nervous system puts a pause &/or break on the process of feeling the sensations of an event or stimulus, due to the perceived threat & risk of not surviving, this can become an incomplete charge in the nervous system, which often results in the body / mind registering the event as a trauma.
Disassociation refers to the process of disconnecting from the emotional, or physical (sensation/pain), or the intensity of it. It often alters our perception of reality, sensations, emotions, situations, relationships & individuals to include ourselves.
Re-association carries the risk of feeling intense discomfort to include physical and emotional pain that was previously disconnected. During this process, you may come across resistance, projection of pain & even potential re-traumatisation because of the resistance to the feelings that come with reassociation.
As these emotions & sensations begin to come "online" or re-associate, we go through a neurological process as we try to rationalize, or we attempt to make sense of them. This is especially difficult to do if there is a large amount of unprocessed charge, as it requires a great deal of energy & mindful presence.
The inherent difficulty of being mindful in these states stems from the fact that the frontal lobe where logic, reason & rationale are processed, is still quite inaccessible. Thus, distorting what we are perceiving, processing, understanding & concluding. This can look like hyper-vigilant, disoriented, panicked states & reactivity.
As healing takes place, more activity starts to form in the frontal lobe. This can take some time. Having a mindful practice of compassionate inner intimacy, or curiosity to learn about understanding one's processes is a phenomenal approach to undertake during this time.
People undergoing trauma healing, may benefit from having a supportive network of friends and family to offer social connection. It's beneficial to make sure that your network is made aware of the process you are going through.
Remember, healing is a journey and not just a destination!